Mary’s Mom Militia

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mother's day musings: unrealistic expectations

I had been meaning to write a post on motherhood in honor of Mother's Day and somehow life got the best of me. The good news is that we have every reason to celebrate mothers each and every day, so in a way, the subject is still relative, right? Also, I just have to get this off my chest and maybe this will help some of us prepare ourselves for next year...

I have to wonder, does anyone else feel let down, disappointed, or upset at the end of the day on Mother's Day? I'm not talking about women who are suffering through fertility issues, pregnancy loss, or the loss of a mother. I'm talking about moms who have children, and are even blessed to be able to celebrate with their own mothers too. It sounds petty and selfish that a mom like me would feel any of those grievances, but I have to admit, there have been many years that I've been reduced to tears. 

I've always considered myself to be flexible, laid-back, and low-maintenance (I'll have to ask my husband if he confers??). I should also state that I have an awesome husband who is very supportive and loving. So why then do I find my undies all in a bunch on Mother's Day? I think it comes down to these two things: first, I expect my husband to think and act like a woman, and second, I need to work on the virtue of humility. The thing is, I don't expect grand gestures of appreciation or major gifts, but I do go into Mother's Day expecting my husband to read my mind, and be overly thoughtful and attentive. This expectation is probably the foundation of my problem. 

I have found that things usually go downhill immediately upon my waking-up. Perhaps it's when I realize that my husband hasn't planned anything for breakfast and like every other day, I'm cooking and slaving away in the kitchen. (Ok, that's not totally true, but it would be nice not to have to pour cereal for everyone!) Actually, now that I think about it, the whole tone of the day would change If he just got doughnuts and the family ate a messy breakfast in bed. I think I'll have to discuss this idea with him before next year...

Anyway, back to my grievance regarding Mother's Day morning(s). This year was the perfect case-in-point; after getting out of bed last Sunday I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee at the Keurig. Upon arriving at the Keurig I found a coffee cup (my favorite coffee cup from Augustine Institute!) already filled with coffee. Before the thought even hit me that my husband might have thoughtfully made a cup of coffee for the special lady of the day, he swooped-in ... grabbed the cup ... and walked away. What just happened?!  I couldn't help myself - my cheeks flushed red and my resentment of my husband's lack of thoughtfulness exasperated me. I, of course, turned to him and expressed my extreme disappointment while he looked at me bewildered. Then he offered me the cup that he had already slurped out of. Can you believe the indignity??? 

Just after this awful episode of injustice I found myself talking to Mary in the shower. I couldn't stand the thought of spending the entire day feeling unappreciated and disappointed. That's when she spoke to my heart and I realized in an instant that my husband wasn't the problem, I was the problem. I instantly remembered that Jesus teaches us to rely solely on God because despite their best intentions, people (including husbands) will fail us despite their best intentions. I had been expecting my husband to celebrate motherhood (and embarrassingly enough to admit, me) exactly as I would celebrate motherhood. At that moment I knew I needed a huge dose of humility, so that I could be thankful and appreciate the way he tried to make me feel special. 

In the shower that morning I prayed one of the most simple, yet one of the most efficacious prayers I've ever prayed. Based on the Miraculous Medal message where we're encouraged to ask for the graces that people have forgotten to ask for, I asked for our Blessed Mother for the grace of humility. I even took it a step further ... I asked her if I could borrow her humility for the day. I figured go big, or go home. I needed all the help I could get. And let me tell you, it worked. For the rest of the day I don't remember feeling anything other than gratitude and joy. 

Now all I have to do is work on this virtue for next year. Wish me luck!